GATE of the HEART - Greeting Cards

... for a variety of reasons




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Are You Making Your dreams come true? Blooming wishes you think life is a game? Just Chillin' If you get upset when someone is nasty, don´t give up - Open your heart and fill your soul with joy and love and give your best with a smile. Everything you do sends a message about who you are. You only live once. Do it right.
Are You Making Your
Dreams Come True?
Blooming Wishes
... you think life is a game?
Just Chillin'

If you get upset ...

don't give up

Everything you do ...
You only live once. Do it right.
“Life is a promise, fullfill it." Mother Teresa Good things come to those who wait. Each Day Gives a Chance at a New Beginning! It's great that you can listen Love is that Feeling, that you feel, if you feel, that Love the loveliest Feeling is. You are not here. I miss you The need for life near water can be so great because that makes us feel like we'r oneness with the source of all life.
“Life is a promise,
fulfill it.” Mother Teresa
Good things come to those who wait.
Each Day Gives a Chance...

It's great that
you can listen!

Love is that Feeling,
that you feel, if ...
You are not here.
I miss you.
The need for life near water can be...
We're all wanderers in these cycles of time and reality. Long Live Summer. Have a Great Weekend! Lunch The Train of Life! Everything you can imagine is real. Each Day Gives a Chance at a New Beginning! Health is above wealth.
We're all wanderers in these cycles of time...
Long Live Summer :-) Have a Great Weekend!
The Train of Life!
Everything you can imagine is real.
... at a New Beginning

Health is above wealth.

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile. “I will never be 'Ms. Perfect'.” Emma Michelle My thoughts of love for a rainy day.  “Your lucky enough to be different, never change” ― Taylor Swift 1 Idea for more wholesome eating. Everyone has a sense of humor. The only way out of the labyrinth is to find the right way.
When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry
“I will never be 'Ms. Perfect'.” Emma Michelle
My thoughts of love for a rainy day.
“Your lucky enough to be different, ..."
1 Idea for more wholesome eating.
Everyone has a sense of humor.
The only way out of the labyrinth is ...
I try to be myself. "Take care not to listen to anyone who tells you what you can and can't be in life.” Meg Medina  Just be yourself and everything else will fall into place Ever since you touched my heart, I know about the feeling of love! Enjoy your life and live only forwards.
I try to be myself.
Take care not to listen to anyone ...
Just be yourself and everything else ....
Ever since you touched my heart, I know..
Enjoy your life and live only forwards.
Nature is the greatest present the earth...
Many roads go up, but not all lead to the top.
A beautiful day begins with a smile that will remove all the stones out of your way. When the world presented us with her most beautiful smile, don't search for your happiness in the next day. ... get spoiled by naturs beauty ... every day ... Know that God’s loving attention accompanies you at all times . Never time stands still. Always take the opportunity to start something new, whenever GOD leads you to stop something. Your SOUL carries a personal song which express the unique flair, purpose and SPIRIT of who you are. Open your heart to the magical sound of your SOUL. Find your place of stillness in the empty depth inside of yourself - where is no wanting and wishing - A stillness to be able to recover and be Oneness with life.
A beautiful day begins with a smile that ....
When the world presented us ...
... get spoiled by naturs beauty ... every day ...
Know that God’s loving attention accompanies..
Never time stands still. Always take the ...
Your SOUL carries a personal song which ...
Find your place of stillness in the ...


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